Thursday, November 18, 2021

Project # 3: White balance- which is the best?

 do now: set up your artwork at your station and take a picture with your phone. send to Subject: Ajs11-0__ Your name - my artwork for project#3 is

Classwork: Proceed to " balance your 2 items in your presentation by placing them either symmetrically or asymmetrically as you are the artist." what will be your message for your art pieces?

HW: update your album with the pictures taken today with labels.

Project # 3/test on White balance

 Balancing both design and lighting:

Use Focos app for WB function

Project # 3:

take 2 or more items (making sure 1 of them has white color)

place them so the composition is balanced.

then under different types of lighting we will "test" the correct WHITE Balance (WB)

 demonstrate visual balance, or unity ( more than one subject) under different light. (color white must be present for White balance).
 Image result for fluorescent light wb
Image result for white balance canon screen 


Update your Photo album with correct numbering and label with descriptions.
#52- AWB under yellow light bulb + observation (0)
#53 -MWB (incandescent) under yellow light bulb + observation. (-1000)
#54 - AWB under LED light + observation (0)
#55 - MWB (fluorescent) under LED light + Observation (+1000)

Image result for white balance canon screen

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