Friday, February 4, 2022

Day 3: start on press pass and SD card

Reminder SD card check due Monday.

Press pass

Day 3:  2/4/22

 check on your progress in your sent mail... did you email the album link and the Qr code?
Recap: creating Google Photo album (portfolio)
log in to Gmail and access google Photo 
to create an album title AJS11-0_ your name MP1 then make QR code
 do now: did you reply to the " selfie" email with your album link & Qr code?

Did you log in to your Gmail and open Google Photo add your #2 best photo to the photo album and share with Miss Wang  (

Google Photo **** Day 1 of 2 ******************************* and Press Pass

We will be making your class pass for your assignments today using Microsoft Publisher.

On the internet find the Front view of Canon T-6 DSLR (make sure the image quality is LARGE.

save it on the computer picture folder
download your selfie to the picture folder as well.

Open Publisher (lower left window icon) 

 choose NEW blank page

insert both the front of the camera image and your selfie.

then we will resize and format-> crop to shape (oval) to finish the first part of today's work.

save file as 
your name pass for AJS11-0_  upload file to google drive (Share to submit)
*************************   2 pictures layers       **********

************Layering pictured, shape and text **********************

if done early,  take a look of for photographs by others.
part 2
Do now: Turn to your right neighbor and leave a comment on their best photo

the back side of the pass 

Recap: creating Google Photo album (portfolio)
log in to gmail and access google Photo 
to create an album title AJS11-0_ your name MP1 then make QR code
Class work: Finish press pass today.... then print out by Monday 2-7-22 (due)
***class work********************************************************************************
look for Canon Rebel T-6 online  (back side)

download your selfie from google photo or from your email. (save in folder)

and Qr code for the back of the pass

Open Publisher

Insert picture of the  back of the camera and add a color WHITE box (insert shape-filled with white color) over the screen of the camera...

use "insert Text box" to add the following text

your name
osis #


valid only during ___ period for digital Photography with Miss Wang Room 360
Spring Semester 2022

update your .PUB file in google drive too. then save as YOUR name Press pass.pdf

HW: Be ready to submit homework: SD card check provide proof by taking a picture of yourself holding  sd card]and reply to the selfie email.

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