Wednesday, February 2, 2022

New Term Spring 22- Welcome to digital photography

 New Term Spring 22- Welcome to digital photography with Miss E. Wang 

1 semester = 1 art credit from Digital Photography

Spring Term 2022 (Feb 2 to June 10?)

Go over computer contract 
HW: signed by parents tomorrow
                                       and get SD card (2 Gb or more) over weekend.

Sign up for Google photo ( download google photo app)
upload selfie and send link to Miss E. Wang
email to:
Subject: AJS11-0__ (your class period) Full Name - google photo selfie 
please upload selfie to Photo stream by tonight

please add
label: #1. Selfie
description: taken with ______________ (camera) & anything else you like for the caption.
Digital Photography
Material needed are: Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera (school)  & SD card (student) by 2/7/22


also sign up for google classroom since pupilpath is not updated yet...

check out

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