Friday, April 29, 2022

Top 10 compositions definitions

 Do now: Did you create your MP3 google photo album? 

add the Qr code as the first picture so you can find it easily.

Some of you have yet to peer evaluate the Cityscape google form assignment.... see me.

Classwork: Grade project 4 then finish the definitions on Google doc.

HW: start your Weekly photostory with the new Rubrics (10 compositions) with your own genre (categories). upload photos to your MP3 album due on every Tuesday in May. PS# 3 due 5/10/22.

any work received after today will have a 10% late deduction.

Summer program in Film making @ 87 Lafayette st.

Apply by June 5, 2022

Thursday, April 28, 2022

Marking Period 3 preparation

 In the last marking period we will explore the History of Photography and mimic some master photographers with more practices on photo compositions... with  more photostories.

Mp3 - showcase your creativity

 Do now: genre list                                                                      

start on Google doc of TOP 10 composition with 6 photostories proposals 

My 6 proposed photostories for MP3.   ( no repeat )                 

PS# 1 was Food diary
PS# 2 was Cityscape 
MP# 3   with Top 10 Compositions   
2. ________________________

MP3 - new rubric for photostories
define the 10 composition in your own word, then goto to find a picture that matches your definition. (click on Discover then categories to get ideas)

we are starting MP3 with the top 10 composition for your artwork photos....

New Rubrics for the weekly photostory

Top 10 compositions - new rubrics for photostories in MP3


Class work:after grading Project 3
 let's learn about Compositions (design principles)

Take Your Digital Photography to the Next Level!  watch this video
  Due 5-3-22 

HW: make MP3 photo album...

Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Mp2 report card checklist

 Do now: did you turn in your printout for project 4 yesterday? Did you get a cityscape to grade?

Goto the assignment due today and attach MP2 album link.                                            

Classwork: Peer grading Project 2
email your MP2 checklist to                                              

send the links of Mp2 in an email with a paragraph of reflection ( which was you favorite of the 3 projects, did you do better in MP2? what you will improve in MP3?)
AJS11-0__ Your name MP2 report card (Mp2 ends 4/27/2022)

MP2= 1,2,3 Pls email the links to AJS11-0_ your name MP2 report card checklist

1- Cityscape (print out) link   who graded your city scape?

2- PPT# 4 : Camera Lens link

    PPT# 5 : Light & Exposure link

3- Project 2: Bokeh Portraits (print out) link e.c. Aperture braceketing

    Project 3: White balance (print out) link e.c Customized WB with DSLR

    Project 4: Art of Shutter speed (print out) link e.c Physiogram or Squid game shapes

* Album link (30%) link

Last 10% is from the Quizzes. Did you take both quizzes?

HW: Finish labeling MP2 photo album and submit with album link.

Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Due today ->>>> Project # 4 with printout

 Do now: did you printout your Cityscape yesterday? pls update the album # 31-40 with your explanation of how you incorporated the art elements and design principles in your photos.

Classwork: finish and submit project # 4 due at the end of the period with printout as EXIT tickets.

HW: pick up a cityscape to evaluate see google form -->>

        also write your GLOW and GROW on the printout.


editting of picture 59 for picture 60

Editing your shutter speed artwork (light painting) in google photo album -\ tap Edit Edit and toggle side bar to see editing selection. Focus on darkening the background- so the light stands out - isolating the light trail. save your edit.

  1. Open the photo you want to edit.
  2. Tap Edit Edit and then Adjust.
  3. Select the type of effect you want to apply to your photo and move the dial to make changes.
  4. When you finish, tap Done.
  5. To undo an effect, deselect the option or tap Cancel.

for #60 repeat edit procedures - but this time save a copy for # 60. so you can see both before and after photos.

Learn more ways to adjust photos

Important: Some features might not be available on your device.
  • Tap Depth  to adjust what depths of your photo are blurred instead of in focus.
  • Tap Brightness  to adjust the overall lightness or darkness.
  • Tap Contrast  to adjust the difference in tones.
  • Tap White point  to adjust the brightest value.
  • Tap Black point  to adjust the darkest value.
  • Tap Highlights  to adjust the detail in the brightest areas.
  • Tap Shadows  to adjust the detail in the darkest areas.
  • Tap Saturation  to adjust the intensity of colors.
  • Tap Warmth  to adjust the color temperature.
  • Tap Tint  to adjust the hue.
  • Tap Skin tone  to adjust the saturation of the skin-colored tones.
  • Tap Blue tone  to adjust the saturation of the blue tones, like sky or water.
  • Tap Pop  to adjust the local contrast of edges.
  • Tap Sharpen  to sharpen fine details.
  • Tap Denoise  to smooth out noise.
  • Tap Vignette  to reduce the brightness around the edges of the photo.
  • Tap HDR  to enhance brightness and contrast across the image for a more balanced photo. 

work on the write up for Project 4 based on your photos for submission by the end of the period. Print out as exit slip.

what is the shutter speed for this photo? fast or slow? 

Monday, April 25, 2022

Project 4 due tomorrow + Cityscape print out

 Welcome back from Spring break.... Catch up day for Project 4 due tomorrow.

Last week of Mp2

1 photostory, 2 powerpoints and 3 projects - Bokeh portraits, White Balance & shutter speed art

Project 4: Effect of various Shutter speeds 

Do now: did you get to light paint before we went on break and add both practice shots to the write-up for the projects?

    PS# 2: Cityscape for peer evaluation tomorrow.

    Due April 26, 2022
    • Effects of various Shutter Speed... Go outside of school (NY City Scape) Get out there! safely with Mask on.

      What setting would you use for this picture?
      Taken by former student - Nicholas 
    • if it's going to be daytime find a water fountain...
    • using live mode photo
      swipe up  in iPhone 

       Long exposure (3 sec delay)

    • in Android use camera MX
    • Google photo picture # 58-60
      #58 - fast shutter speed
      #59- slower shutter speed
      #60 Photo edit version

    • Due Tuesday 4-26-22
    • Project #4: Effect of Various Shutter Speeds Write up... 
    • pre-project preparation: Add Photo# 56 & # 57 and explain why you chose one over the other for your project.
    • #1: Explain how you derived your camera setting for this project? app used. (what was the lighting condition like?)
    • #2:How did the camera captured the motion? (shutter speed used, etc).
    • #3:What did you do for your post-editting? List them
    • #4:How is your photo an artwork? (also include composition).

light painting ideas:

Thursday, April 14, 2022

Project 4 - practice technique 2 - light painting

 Do now: did you take your Quiz 2B yesterday? see to make up tonight.

Classwork: Light painting your name initial (s).

Night time shutter speed photography with  Light trail painting ...

for light painting practice...
still TV mode but start with 1 second, add more time if needed - might need tripod.
light paint your name or initial (picture #57
going further Light portraits
or make Physiogram for extra credit.

HW: download slow shutter fast cam app 

Easter/ Spring Break : Project / Test # 4 Write up:

or draw out these shapes for extra credit

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Quiz 2B on

 Do now: have you shared your google photo #56 Shutter speed bracketing?

                did you download the app for LONG EXPOSURE - SLOW SHUTTER Fast Cam from the app store.

Classwork: taking Quiz 2B based on Chapter 3 summary... PPT# 5 on for 25 min.

HW: try shutter speed bracketing on the app. we are light painting tomorrow...

         Watch this video on  light painting - 

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Quiz 2A on

 you should have signed up yesterday... if not yet, sign up as Do now....

for the Quiz... also study your Bokeh portrait project...

you have 20 min for this Quiz once you start you need to finish it within the time slot.

The latest start time is 25 minutes before the end of the period.

HW: did you download the slow shutter fast cam app make sure you have it for Spring break project # 4

Monday, April 11, 2022

make shutterspeed collage & sign up for Edmodo

 Do now: sign up to get ready for Quiz tomorrow... on

                class code: 7bes4z

Classwork: continue with Shutter speed bracketing.... make the collage with your observations of the 5 shots you took.

pls share picture 56: shutter speed bracketing.

HW: Study PPT# 4 and Bokeh project... for Quiz tomorrow.

install and try

iPhone app Slow shutter fast cam

Take in the following increments... 0.5, 1,2,4,8 seconds

Friday, April 8, 2022

Shutter speed bracketing

 Do now: make sure you have write your observations for Pic # 52-55 in MP2 album. They will be part of the project test grading for project /test # 3.

Mp2 Mid-term check: PPT# 4- Camera Lens, Bokeh portrait project # 2, PS# 2:Cityscape, PPT# 5 - Light and Exposure, White balance project # 3

what's left for Mp2 report card? Quizzes & Effect of shutter speed project # 4

Classwork: Shutter speed bracketing- practice for Project # 4 option 1: Daytime shutter speed

make your collage in a new google slide ---> FILE---> download----> img: JPEG (current slide)

Practice (Tv mode) how to capture motion with Shutter Speed bracketing picture# 56 Upload & share! 
install LIGHTROOM -
goto professional (PRO) cam and choose the following shutter speed (see below)

iPhone app Slow shutter fast cam

Take in the following increments... 0.5, 1,2,4,8 seconds

HW: Print out your Cityscape for peer evaluation...

Mp2 Album checklist: (Number, label and described)

#31-40  Photostory # 2:Cityscape (HW assignment) Due March 31, 2022
#41-42 Exposure triangle: Aperture set -(phone=f/1.8 vs f/16) DSLR f/5.6 vs f/22

#43 Reflecting lights - no reflector - follow the video
#44 Reflecting lights - with reflector

#45 a,b,c - Project test # 2 control (f/22)                                  AV mode or Focos app / Portrait mode ^ (f)
#46 a,b,c - 18mm, 35mm, 55mm (f/5.6) Bokeh

#47-48 Exposure triangle: Shutter Speed set  fast vs. slow
#49-50 Exposure triangle: ISO set under vs over exposure

# 51- ISO bracketing Due: April 1 2022                 M Mode or Focos app / exposure compensation

# 52-55 project #3:White balance by 4-7-22        LIGHTROOM app to make your phone like DSLR

# 56 - shutter speed bracketing 4/11/22        TV mode or Slow shutter fast cam app/ Live mode

Quizzes next week

# 57 - light painting 4/14/22

spring break

# 58- Project test # 4: fast shutter speed 4/25/21

# 59 - Project test # 4: slow shutter speed
# 60 - Photoshop of 59

Thursday, April 7, 2022

Finish up Project/Test # 3 with Printout

 Do now: Is your album updated and share to

                 you should have pictures from 31-55 by now...

 What type of lighting do you have at home?

Project # 3 photos were labeled as 

#52- AWB under yellow light bulb + observation (0)
#53 -MWB (incandescent) under yellow light bulb + observation. (-1000)
#54 - AWB under LED light + observation (0)
#55 - MWB (fluorescent) under LED light + Observation (+1000)

extra credit: figuring out the mystery light's correction

# 52-55 project #3:White balance by 4-7-22             use LIGHTROOM app to make your phone like DSLR

Classwork: Finish your questions from yesterday and Print them out by the end of the period as EXIT ticket.

HW: Review your powerpoints for the upcoming Quizzes.

Wednesday, April 6, 2022

White balance project Q & A for project/ Test # 3

4/6/22 Do now:  sign the google form for attendance.

did you watch the video last night? what is it about? reply to the email you sent.

               write a short video summary by replying to yesterday's email. video transcript
Classwork: answer the Qs about yesterday's WB shoot. (if you were absent - pls check with a classmate to see their White balance photos - you can make up yours tomorrow). 
Project 3 (mini Test 2 out of 3) White balance and designing with Visual Balance.
Write up: 
1.How did you create this artwork ( element or Composition wise )?

2.what lighting did you use? 

3.How did you determined the correct exposure in picture # 51? (ISO bracketing)

4.What is White Balance and how did it affect the appearance of "white" in your artwork?

5.what WB problems did you encountered in picture # 55? did you solve it?

6.what did you learn from this Project?

HW: update your album with proper numbering, title and observations.

Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Project # 3: White balance- which is the best?

 do now: set up your artwork at your station and take a picture with your phone. send to Subject: Ajs11-0__ Your name - my artwork for project#3 is

Classwork: Proceed to " balance your 2 items in your presentation by placing them either symmetrically or asymmetrically as you are the artist." what will be your message for your art pieces?

HW: update your album with the pictures taken today with labels. 

Watch this video tonight to help with the questions for tomorrow's Q & A

Project # 3/test on White balance

 Balancing both design and lighting:

Use Focos app for WB function

Project # 3:

take 2 or more items (making sure 1 of them has white color)

place them so the composition is balanced.

then under different types of lighting we will "test" the correct WHITE Balance (WB)

 demonstrate visual balance, or unity ( more than one subject) under different light. (color white must be present for White balance).
 Image result for fluorescent light wb
Image result for white balance canon screen  i

Update your Photo album with correct numbering and label with descriptions.
#52- AWB under yellow light bulb + observation (0)
#53 -MWB (incandescent) under yellow light bulb + observation. (-1000)
#54 - AWB under LED light + observation (0)
#55 - MWB (fluorescent) under LED light + Observation (+1000)

extra credit: figuring out the mystery light's correction

Image result for white balance canon screen

Monday, April 4, 2022

finish PPT#5 and submit today

 Do now: pls sign the attendance form

Class work: finish PPT # 5

hw: Update album and bring 2 items for tomorrow's photo shoot - one of them has white color.

Friday, April 1, 2022

Mid term check: Mp2 album & PPT# 5

 Do now: did you turn in your PS# 2: Cityscape?... we will be peer grading that later. Make sure to upload your photos (# 31-40) with numbering, title and descriptions in MP2 album.


Classwork: catch up with CH3 reading and summary with diagrams you find online.


HW: Mp2 Album checklist: (Number, label and described)

#31-40  Photostory # 2:Cityscape (HW assignment) Due March 31, 2022
#41-42 Exposure triangle: Aperture set -(phone=f/1.8 vs f/16) DSLR f/5.6 vs f/22

#43 Reflecting lights - no reflector - follow the video
#44 Reflecting lights - with reflector

#45 a,b,c - Project test # 2 control (f/22)                                  AV mode or Focos app / Portrait mode ^ (f)
#46 a,b,c - 18mm, 35mm, 55mm (f/5.6) Bokeh

#47-48 Exposure triangle: Shutter Speed set  fast vs. slow
#49-50 Exposure triangle: ISO set under vs over exposure

# 51- ISO bracketing Due: April 1 2022                 M Mode or Focos app / exposure compensation

# 52-55 project #3:White balance by 4-7-22        LIGHTROOM app to make your phone like DSLR

# 56 - shutter speed bracketing 4/12/22        TV mode or Slow shutter fast cam app/ Live mode

# 57 - light painting 4/14/22

# 58- Project test # 4: fast shutter speed 4/25/21

# 59 - Project test # 4: slow shutter speed
# 60 - Photoshop of 59