Tuesday, April 5, 2022

Project # 3: White balance- which is the best?

 do now: set up your artwork at your station and take a picture with your phone. send to mcsmphoto@gmail.com Subject: Ajs11-0__ Your name - my artwork for project#3 is

Classwork: Proceed to " balance your 2 items in your presentation by placing them either symmetrically or asymmetrically as you are the artist." what will be your message for your art pieces?

HW: update your album with the pictures taken today with labels. 

Watch this video tonight to help with the questions for tomorrow's Q & A


Project # 3/test on White balance

 Balancing both design and lighting:

Use Focos app for WB function

Project # 3:

take 2 or more items (making sure 1 of them has white color)

place them so the composition is balanced.

then under different types of lighting we will "test" the correct WHITE Balance (WB)

 demonstrate visual balance, or unity ( more than one subject) under different light. (color white must be present for White balance).
 Image result for fluorescent light wb
Image result for white balance canon screen  i

Update your Photo album with correct numbering and label with descriptions.
#52- AWB under yellow light bulb + observation (0)
#53 -MWB (incandescent) under yellow light bulb + observation. (-1000)
#54 - AWB under LED light + observation (0)
#55 - MWB (fluorescent) under LED light + Observation (+1000)

extra credit: figuring out the mystery light's correction

Image result for white balance canon screen

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