Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Mp2 report card checklist

 Do now: did you turn in your printout for project 4 yesterday? Did you get a cityscape to grade?

Goto the assignment due today and attach MP2 album link.                                            

Classwork: Peer grading Project 2
email your MP2 checklist to                                              

send the links of Mp2 in an email with a paragraph of reflection ( which was you favorite of the 3 projects, did you do better in MP2? what you will improve in MP3?)
AJS11-0__ Your name MP2 report card (Mp2 ends 4/27/2022)

MP2= 1,2,3 Pls email the links to AJS11-0_ your name MP2 report card checklist

1- Cityscape (print out) link   who graded your city scape?

2- PPT# 4 : Camera Lens link

    PPT# 5 : Light & Exposure link

3- Project 2: Bokeh Portraits (print out) link e.c. Aperture braceketing

    Project 3: White balance (print out) link e.c Customized WB with DSLR

    Project 4: Art of Shutter speed (print out) link e.c Physiogram or Squid game shapes

* Album link (30%) link

Last 10% is from the Quizzes. Did you take both quizzes?

HW: Finish labeling MP2 photo album and submit with album link.

1 comment:

  1. Drone photography service - Sky views
    Sky View LV brings high-quality drone services to the Las Vegas area. Our Las Vegas drone pilots are FAA certified and insured to $1,000,000 +. Sky View is also authorised to fly in McCarren International Airports Class B airspace. Services include but are not limited to drone photography, drone videography, and drone aerial mapping.
