Tuesday, September 13, 2022

finish Press pass & Sd card check

Reminder: did you get your SD card yet? get SD card (2GB minimum) deal from Amazon, Best Buy or Target

Do now: Now that your album is updated (labeled)- let's check out each other's photo albums.  you should have at least 2 comments from your classmates. (turn to the left and right side to scan the QR code) and comment on photo# 2 - Best Photo so far... get to know your classmates - you will be working in groups later.

Classwork: day 2 of Press pass link to steps https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yG6m25-urBq-DgQ-LipVN_TdtNweA6ur-apPF0sCrzw/edit?usp=sharing

Yesterday we learned about layering the photos and reshaping with cropping tools.

Today we are going to add text and rotate the work before submitting for printing.

hw: bring a pencil for drawing tomorrow... we will be studying the parts of the camera that we will be using.

********************** if you finish early ****** check out http://www.500px.com *********************

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