Wednesday, September 21, 2022

PPT# 1: Day 3: Comparing phone camera photo with DSLR

 Do now: double-check to see if your #3.DSLR diagram of Canon T-6 is in your google photo album

Camera borrowing procedure: leave your school ID on the cart when you pick up a camera. I have 2 cameras per table in 10 minutes rotation.

Classwork for Wednesday 9/21/22
slide 7:  other types of cameras- look up Go-Pros, 3D (360) camera and drones.
slide 8 :  comparing photos taken with your phone vs. school camera T-6 (10 min max per student)
(quick start guide pg 6-7 on the Canon camera manual to help you with the camera.)
slide 9:  conclusion - your take away from PPT # 1

Thursday combine your table's slides for presentation.

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