Friday, October 21, 2022

End of Marking period 1

 Do now: did you Watch the video from yesterday to sum up 1st marking period?

email your answers to 

Subject line: Ajs11-0__ Your name - Exposure Triangle worksheet

Reference chart: Exposure triangle:

worksheet (#1-7)

Given the following scenarios, what are the appropriate settings for focal length, aperture, shutter speed and ISO? Lens used the 18-55mm on Canon T-6. Try out your settings too.

Day 1:10/21/22 email to AJS11-0__ Your name Daily exposure worksheet 

        1) Beautiful sunny day and you want to take sharp image of a building from a close distance. (you may take this picture for extra credit)

         ISO=           Shutter Speed =           Aperture=            Lens (Focal length)=


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