Thursday, October 6, 2022

Presentation Day 2 on Element of Art from PPT# 2 & photostory

 Do now: write a draft for your city scape Photo story for this 3 day weekend. (use your photos to tell a story)

Look around you as you travel to and from school, what art elements and design do you see in our city. 
Have you traveled in the summer? how does the place you visited compared to our city (tale of 2 cities) or be a tour guide for your friends and relative that visit NYC. Feel free to be creative and make your photo-story fun to read.
email your draft to subject line:  Ajs11-0_ Your name's  CITYSCAPE photostory.

Classwork: Presentation Day 2 on Element of Art from PPT# 2 
2 more tables to go up and present their finding...

HW: did you arrange your photo album in numerical order? # 1-16
goto more settings and choose EDIT ALBUM to move them around.

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