Monday, November 14, 2022

PPT# 5: Ch 3: light and exposure

PTC calendar PTC:  

Do now: did you submit your album on Google classroom for the Mid-Term check?

                What is White balance? (pg 55)

Classwork: Classwork: read up ch 3 and summarize to slide 3 today. 

read and summarize ch 3 ( click on the link to read) pg 56 to 71
MCSM Photography: Ch 3: lights and exposure
summarize 2 pages of reading in each slide.

Monday: Histogram & meters (types)        Start taking Exposure (ISO bracketing photos).

 ISO Bracketing

                   Take in manual mode - keep the aperture & shutter speed the same while you change your ISO from 100 to 6400 on the DSLR. Upload to your PPT# 5 -slide 12 and download as a .JPG to upload to your photo album as photo# 51.

add this slide to PPT# 5.

Tuesday: how to use & override them
Wednesday: Special situations
Thursday: HDR & finish ISO bracketing photos.

due Thursday, Nov 17, 2022

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