Friday, November 4, 2022

Project/Test # 2: Bokeh Portraits (picture taking part)

Wednesday we plan out the photo shoot for Bokeh portrait, today we are practicing taking pictures with the DSLR in Av mode.

Write up for Project # 2: Bokeh  effect Portrait  Due Monday 11/7/22 submitted.
based on your 18mm, 35mm, 55mm portraits (6 pictures)
AJS11-0__ Your name Project/Test # 2: Bokeh Portraits (SHARE google doc)

Portrait mode blurs the background of your photo while keeping the subject in focus to create what’s known as a bokeh effect. This results in striking images that allow the subject of your photo (be it a person, an object, or a pet) to jump out from the background.

iPhone camera Portrait mode
Portrait mode blurs the background while keeping the subject in focus.

A camera traditionally achieves this depth-of-field effect by changing the aperture of the lens, but your iPhone uses software magic instead. Clever algorithms find the subject of your photo and then blur the background accordingly.

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