Friday, February 17, 2023

Adding text

 Do now: did you add your MANDALA into the class slide show? add Grow and glow for your classmate.
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Classwork :
AIM: Designing poster - so we need to know how to add TEXT
so let's practice adding text with the following tutorials.

***************** if you get stuck in # 3 **************

on your own change the FONT type to your choice, then set the font size to 300 then type over "Hike" to ROAM. then set it to center, and change color to other colors. then center your paragraph for step 4 to finish.


SAVE as Your name text 1.psd

submit via Google Drive folder AQS11-0_ Photoshop (your name)

HW: 21st Century Ed via Teach Hub
- Module 1: Lesson 3 today-   don't forget to copy and paste your REFLECTION in your copy of the back up file doc.

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