Tuesday, February 7, 2023

PS Tutorial # 3 - Get to know Selection

do now: add the 2 tutorials you've completed into the google drive album you've made. 
let's recap from yesterday's LAYERS tutorial

1. see the layer you want to work with by turning on the EYE for visibility.
2. bring Flamingo up front to the top layer. 
3. EDIT the layer and TRANSFORM its SCALE.   
4. DUPLICATE red bird and resize it to make it smaller then transform it flipped horizontally.
5.  rainbow as SCREEN so you can still see the bottom layer to finish.

so now we can move on to learn about how to select where and what you want to change.
tutorial# 3 - https://creativecloud.adobe.com/learn/photoshop/in-app/introduction-to-selections

add to your google drive album as EXIT slip.

HW: continue to work on your selfie collage - start your write-up on how you design this project.

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