Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Aperture - Av mode

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answer scenario# 3 by replying to the email of the daily exposure worksheetmcsmphoto@gmail.com

Scenario # 3: Early Morning, sun is not up yet and you’re taking a picture of the beach and you want everything to be in focus.   

           ISO=           Shutter Speed =         Aperture=       Lens (Focal length)=
******************************************************************************************** sample photo

 scenario 4: You’re taking a picture of your significant other in a crowded place in the afternoon at 5:30PM near Times Square. You only want your subject to be in focus and everything else to be blurry.    sample photo

            ISO=            Shutter Speed=                    Aperture=       Lens (Focal length)=
******************** reply to email sent to mcsmphoto@gmail.com

watch this video on your phone and update slide 4 (video review).

Day 2: Oct 24, 2023 watch video on what is Aperture (transcript)

https://youtu.be/YojL7UQTVhc (turn on transcript when watching).

slide 4: Video review- what is aperture? what unit is the aperture set in? effect of aperture... + diagram
slide 5: Depth of Field (controlling sharpness in a Photograph) how Focal length affect Dof. how to set it up on the DSLR? what mode to shoot in? what's a good aperture for blurry background.sample

HW: write a draft story about food in general - it will be our next Photostory for MP2

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