Thursday, December 21, 2023

PPT# 6: History of Photography summary- Day 4

attendance form -

Prepare for presentations tomorrow.

Do now:  open your Project 5 and see if you have highlighted the answers of your master's photo critiques answers.

               art elementslighting and compositions should be in highlights.

Classwork: Photography as ART! continue to work on your summarization for PPT# 6: History of Photography - Day 4 (pg 200-206)

HW: HW: update album (PS3 # 61-70, PS4 #71-80 & Project 5 Mimicking the masters # 101,102,103)

label correctly with number, title and descriptions. 101,102,103 label as my mimic of Your master photographer's name and original picture link followed by what did you mimicked in yours.

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