Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Project 5: day 2 - Color photographer

Do now: Mp3 so far... Top 10 compositions, Photo critiques (last week) This week Project 5, Photostory#3 Due tomorrow - what is your topic for this week's Photostory# 3?


Coninue with your project 5: Today is photographer # 2 : COLOR film photographer...

 Slide 5: start your research on your Color photographer from the late 1900s. Find their portrait, the camera used with their contribution to photography, and the genre of photography they have left behind. Slide 6: critique the photo you have chosen from them. then mimic with your phone.

HW: PS # 3 due tomorrow. what is your topic for this week's photo story? write your story answering the 5Ws & the photos you take with your phone go into your Google photo MP3 album as # 61-70. 

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