Wednesday, February 7, 2024

Project 1: Selfie collage

Do now: think about which ones of the PS edits you have learned so far would be good to implement in your collage project due this Friday.
which PS edit will you try from tutorials 1, 2, and 3 so far... let's learn some more today on MASKS... what mask will you put on your selfie layer?


save as AQS11-0_ Your name - Mask4.psd and upload your work to the google drive folder.

HW: 21st Century Ed - Module 1 - Lesson 4

PS tutorial # 4: Get to know layer masks

Get to know layer masks (

Start with core concepts

This video introduces you to layer masks, a core feature you’ll use in many projects.

Apply a layer mask
2/8/24   PS tutorial # 5: Adjusting layer What you'll learn

What you'll learn

Understand adjustment layers

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