Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Snowday - attendance

attendance link: https://forms.gle/pHUHgAEqSn2cSPY3A

google meet me (click on the google meet button to join me.)

1st pd https://meet.google.com/zje-rvvy-rjy (login problem)

2nd pd https://meet.google.com/ecj-sxmn-gao

4th pd https://meet.google.com/qzd-rcgw-rqa

6th pd https://meet.google.com/mua-qefo-tny

8th pd https://meet.google.com/fuc-edtr-txk

Classwork: 21st Century Ed Module 2 lesson 1 & 2

PS - Selfie collage submitted? 

Do now: your home installation of photoshop.
make a folder in your google drive titled AQS11-0__ your name Photoshop Mp1, add your AQS11-0__Your name selfie collage.PSD there.

Classwork:  goto 21st Century Ed via Teach hub
make sure to "connect" with Module 0 to get the cookie /driver

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