Friday, March 10, 2017

test project #1

Project/Test #1 : Value of light

1st marking Period for ___________________________________ anything turned in after Friday 3-15-17 will not be counted
Classwork (5%)DueLate?E.C.Due FlickPhoto (s)

selfie__ /1
Flickr acct

2-Feb7-FebDiagram__ /1
7-Feb1-MarPPT #2__ /12
press passPower Points (30%)9-Mar
4 lights __ /4
SD card (5%)PPT #1: Camera10-Feb 15-Mar
Food story__ /10

PPT #2 Art Present1-Mar14-Mar
Test__ /2
QUIZ (10%)PPT #3:Lights9-Mar15-Mar
Total___ / 30%
DSLR____ Test  with write up (20%)

work on this along with PPT #4  summaries due next Friday

-use your DSLR camera for this assignment.
Shoot in Manual mode. "M" in the mode dial...

lighting set up (extra credit) Food Gallery by Matthew Klein ppt (extra credit)
please read and understand the 6 component that is PHOTOGRAPHY.

For this TEST project you have to shoot your " art piece" in Manual mode only.

set the camera in the following setting!

In Menu: set the image quality to RAW (NEF/CR2) + fine / L  and the ISO to 200 (light sensitivity).

In Aperture Mode : Adjust the f-stop to F/6.3

In Shutter Speed Mode: Adjust the shutter speed or exposure to 1/125 sec

Take one in this setting. if the picture comes out too bright or too dark. you may NEED to make some adjustments to obtain a properly exposed photo without flash.

Upload JPG to as pic #30a,30b
#30a: Test default setting - what is wrong with it?
#30b: corrected setting - what did you adjust?

************************************************** Google share .NEF or .CR2 first as Part 1***********

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