Monday, March 6, 2017

Week # 5: PPT# 3: Photography lighting controls

Monday: start on Ppt# 3 due on Thursday

PPT# 3: Photography lighting controls

There are 6 essential components to Photography:
Define the following.
1. Light
2. Medium
3. Aperture
4. Shutter Speed
5. Composition
6. Optics

add your video review from Friday to this slide # 1
Tuesday: 4 types of lighting and Flickr examples....
Find 3 examples for each types of Lighting (12 pictures in all)
Wed: Take a sample picture for each type and upload to FLickr... # 16,17,18,19
HW: Click on the orange links...
if you are still not sure about EXPOSURE Triangle watch these video on ISO control / Aperture control / Shutter speed - and learn to adjust them.
Thursday: How to adjust my DSLR ( read the manual) then Share and print (PPT # 3 due)


Friday: Start Exam: Still life taken with DSLR
HW: Photostory # 1: Food (take 10 photos using what you learned from PPT # 2)
upload to Flickr as # 20 to 29 check out this professional food photographer's work

1 week left for the first report card...

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