Monday, March 13, 2017

week#6 end of marking period 1 (test part 2 & 3)

Reminder: Photostory # 1 (Flickr # 20 -29) on Food due tomorrow on FLickr... send link with album description in email (subject: Food story)
From last Friday aside from Flickr # 30a & 30b Google share with flickr link
************************************************** Google share .NEF or .CR2 first as Part 1***********
 Part 2: Post retouching with PHOTOSHOP

After you upload your photo to your computer.

open Photoshop and look for BR or Bridge to locate your NEF file. ( Canon just jpg)
open NEF (RAW) file in Photoshop. in the open camera  RAW editor. (watch video )

make your adjustment. like Exposure - fill in the light - add the black... etc.

when you are done. OPEN IMAGE and save in JPG so you can upload this as Pic #30c on

Part 3: Write up (printed) & Present Flickr in class.
using the lesson 1 handout as a guide line. talk about all the technical aspect to create this Still life project.
making sure you include. ISO, F-stop, exposure and focal length.

Write Up: (How were you able to create the Value of light in this photo?)
What SD card did you use for the test? Explain how this Photo is an art work. 
Does it contain an element of art? What about its Design principle?
How did you set up the lighting for this photo-shoot? what kind of lighting did you use? 
What did you find / learn from this art Project? 
yeah 1st marking period is DONE!

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