Thursday, November 16, 2017

Project # 3: ISO bracketing and White balance (WB)

Seniors: ready for your portraits? check pupilpath for your appt time. 

$ 15 sitting fee... Nov 27 to Dec 1

Project # 3: ISO bracketing in different lights (WB)

Friday: ISO bracketing (#51) taking a picture at each ISO setting until you find the good one!
Thurs: demonstrate visual balance, or unity ( more than one subject) under different light. (color white must be present for White balance).
 Image result for fluorescent light wb

#52,53 ( incandescent : 3200K)
This Art work needs to demonstrate either visual balance, unity or contrast.
#54 #55 (fluorescent : 4000K)

Project 3 (mini Test 2 out of 3)

Project # 3: ISO bracketing in different lights (WB)

Write up: due 11-21-17
1.How did you create this artwork ( element or Composition wise )?
2.what lighting did you use? 
3.How did you determined the correct exposure? (ISO bracketing) did it affect the appearance of "white" in your artwork?
5.what problems did you encountered? (too much correction?) did you solve it? (menu chart)

6.what did you learn from this Project?

add photos #51 to 55 with labels.

watch this video if you still don't understand...

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