Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Week# 5: Project 3 due... thank goodness only 1 project left for MP2

this is a short week so we only have Project # 3 due in google doc - share & print out!

Project # 3: ISO bracketing in different lights (WB) 

Write up: due 11-21-17                                          click project # 3 link above for questions                                             

Top 10 composition Rules... New rubric for Photostory # 3 to 6
Please read and summarize the 10 composition rules and come up with 6 possible photostory topics. We already did "Food" and "Cityscape" so come up with something else...

6 possible topics for Photostories due every Thursday. Photostory# 3 due 12-7-17


subject: AJS11-0__ Your name's 10 composition rules & Photostory proposals
email to mcsmphoto@gmail.com your summary with the proposal by the end of the period today.

Happy Thanksgiving! take lots of great pictures with the help of the  NEW composition rules.
Seniors Portrait next week!

when we return we will work on the last project on shutter speed (Tv mode).

extra credit POSTER over Thanksgiving break... Exposure triangle.... with Project # 2,3,4 pictures...

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