Monday, November 6, 2017

Week# 3: PPT# 5 Due 11-10-17

Reminder: did you send your link of MP2 album updated? 
we are 1/2 way done with the semester!

PPT# 5: Light and Exposure (10 slides)

 read and summarize ch 3 ( click on the link to read)
summarize 2 pages of reading in each slide.


Monday:Read 50-55 & summarize on Powerpoint. (Google slide shared)           
Tuesday: Pg 56-60 HW (no class in session: election day!
Wednesday: pg 61-65 (start on Project # 3: ISO bracketing)
pg 66-71 add google photos (PTC) 
                                    make sure your flickr album is updated so I can show your parents.
Friday: share and print (1/2 day)


Quiz on PPT# 4 & 5 (ch 2 & 3) next week...

Project # 3: ISO bracketing and White balance starting Wednesday. 

Picture # 51 (make on slide and save as JPG)

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