Thursday, December 14, 2017

Finish up Project # 5 make Ps # 4 Photo album on Flickr

Photostory # 4 due today! share and print!

Continue with MP3 Week # 2: Project # 5: Mimicking the masters...

Reminder Photostory # 3 was due 12-7-17 & Photostory # 4 due 12-14-17
Please send link to your Photo album: PS# 4 - name of your story

Finish your research on Mimicking the masters photographers. Everyone will have different master photographers.... if it's used you have to find someone else.

Find 3 master photographers from different time period
by Monday 12/11/17
A. early to 1950s (black and white)
     slide 1: Biography with Portrait and camera they used
     slide 2: Sample photo critiqued (5 Qs) mimicked photo on Flickr#101

by Tuesday 12/12/17
B.1950 to 2000 (black and white or early color photography)
     slide 3: Biography with Portrait and camera they used
     slide 4: Sample photo critiqued (5 Qs) mimicked photo on Flickr#102

by Wednesday 12/13/17
C. 2000 to now (Digital Photographers)
     Slide 5: Biography with Portrait and camera they used
     Slide 6: Sample photo critiqued (5 Qs) mimicked photo on Flickr#103

by Thursday & Friday Mimcking day...Flickr # 101,102,103
D.  Slide 7: Conclusion... what did you learn? what was easy or difficult when you mimicked the master's pictures. which one was your favorite?

share and print out Project # 5 due tomorrow!

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