Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Photo critique Day 3 + Project 5

Project # 5: Mimicking the masters due this Friday.... 12/15/17

Email your answers today... Miss Wang is on a Field trip today @ One World Observatory

send email to  for attendance!

Reminder: Photostory#4 flickr # 71 to 80 due tomorrow 
as Flickr album PS#4:______ your topic

subject: Photo critique Day # 3 + project 5 master photographers...

List your 3 Master photographers - 1. ________________ up to 1950s
                                                    2. ________________ 1950s to 2000s
                                                    3. ________________ 2000 to 2017

Do Now: Day 3 Photo Critique (10 min)
                                          original to square

Critique picture # 5

1. Can you identify the subject? which art element does it convey?
2. How is it lit? what type of light do you see? hard, soft, transmitted or reflected light
3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? what composition do you see?
4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot? 
ISO _____, f/ ____, ______sec, ______mm
5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture?

Critique picture # 6

continue to work on your Project 5

Quiz next week 
on History of Photography and 10 compositions!

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