Monday, December 4, 2017

MP3 week# 1: History of Photography PPT# 6 with Photostory # 3 due

New Rubrics for MP3's Photostories

Please read and summarize the 10 composition rules and come up with 6 possible photostory topics. We already did "Food" and "Cityscape" so come up with something else...

Due every Thursday Photostory # 3 Flickr # 61-70 Due 12-7-17
                                Photostory # 4 Flickr # 71-80 Due 12-14-17
                                Photostory # 5 Flickr # 81-90 Due 12-21-17
                                ***2017**** X'mas Break ********************* Happy New Year!**** 2018 ****
                                Photostory #6  Flickr # 91-100 Due 1-4-2018

Take Your Digital Photography to the Next Level!  watch this video

Due to Flickr slow connection problem... finish the Flickr scavenger at home as HW. Due 12/8/17
Classwork: Start on the last powerpoint of Photography background knowledge....

we will see how Photography got to where it is today, by reading and summarizing about the History of Photography in CH 10 of our textbook - .PDF can be found in Pupilpath or take your own photos

share and print History of  Photography by due date 12-8-17
>>>>slide suggestions<<<<
MonIntro & Daguerreotype, Calotype, Collodion Wet-Plate
Tues: Gelatin Emulsion / Roll-Film base & color photography
Wed:  Early Portrait,travel Photography and Images of War
         Time and Motion in Early Photographs, Document, Social Change and Photojournalism
Thurs: Photography as Art in 19th century, Pictorial Photography
           and Photo secession, Direct image in Art 
Fri: Quest for a new vision, Photgraphy as Art in 1950-60s, 70-80s ; Digital Photography
      Google share and Print!

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