Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Making a Press Pass and Qr code

Do now:
paste your Flickr link to step 2
step 3 download the newly made qr code to the desktop as YOUR NAME qrcode
Reply in email to and send in as attachment.

look for Canon T-6 use Publisher to create press pass. pdf

 HW: #2.Best picture so far and labeling of each Portfolio pictures 2/2/18

Get SD card over the weekend due 2/5/18
Students are here for one of the 2 Liberal Arts credits for graduation.
This course is 1 semester only. This is a beginner's course...

Material needed are: Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera & SD card

Product Detailsor 
Get it by Tomorrow, Feb 2
More Buying Choices
FREE Shipping on eligible orders

Monday, January 29, 2018

Welcome to Photography class for 1 art credit...

Spring Term 2018 (Jan 30 to June ??)

Go over computer contract 
HW: signed by parents tomorrow
                                       and get SD card (2 Gb or more) over weekend.

Sign up for and personalize acct URL in the setting...
upload selfie and send link to Miss E. Wang
email to:
Subject: AJS11-0__ (your class period) Full Name - Flickr link with selfie
please upload selfie to Photo stream by tonight

please add
label: #1. Selfie
description: taken with ______________ (camera) & anything else you like for the caption.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Last class day... another ART class next semester...

extra credit day...
Top 10 album from your flickr!

make another album Your name's top 10
drag the 10 best photos you have uploaded to this album...
then edit them to give them another look!

save as new copy and name them top #1, top# 2, top# 3....
change the description to why and how you changed the picture to the new look.
how did the msg change because of your editting...

email the link by midnight 1/19/18.
include your possible grade for the semester.... average Mp1, Mp2 and Mp3 grade...

Thursday, January 18, 2018

you transcript grade is...

Your semester grade will be the average of all 3 Marking periods.

so what you see is only your MP3 grade...

Final Self assessment

On loose leaf answer these question use it as cover page to your packet.

1. Return all borrowed item(s). Are you clear of all equipment for this class? _______

 2. MP 1 album has ______ photos and my report card grade was _______

 3. MP 2 album has ______ photos and my report card grade was _______

 4. My Quiz # 3 grade was ___/25 or ______% and I presented on ___/____/____

 5. I sent a email with all of my MP3 required assignments on ___/___/18 (date).

 6. I have printed
PPT # 6 ____ Project # 5 ______ PS # 3_____ PS # 4_____ PS # 5_____ PS# 6 ____

 7. I peer evaluated project 5 and sent ____ days of email.

 8. I graded __________'s random pix.

 9   I graded __________'s photostory # ____

10 I have done ____ extra credits.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Return all DSLR

did you send me all the links to the work due for the semester? print out all the assignments?

Tuesday: Randomly assigned flickr photo check.
On a loose leaf copy down the title and description of the assigned # photos and grade them with letter grade of each photo stating why they have that grade.

AJS11-02: # 2,12,22,32,42,52,62,72,82,92 and 102

AJS11-03 #3,13,23,33,43,53,63,73,83,93,103

AJS11-04# 4,14,24,34,44,54,64,74,84,94 and 101
AJS11-07# 7,17,27,37,47,57,67,77,87,97 and 102

AJS11-08 # 8,18,28,38,48,58,68,78,88,98 and 103  Due at the end of the period.

Peer Photo-stories evaluations
Look for all the photostories assigned this marking period.

MP3 = PS# 3,4,5 and 6

which one was the best the best?

for example...
I liked photostory # 3 the best...
so I will grade picture # 61- 70
# 61: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 62: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 63: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 64: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 65: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 66: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 67: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 68: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 69: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____
# 70: Title = ___________ Description=______________ grade=_____

Thursday: self evaluation
                 MP3 packet 6 print outs due

Friday: top 10 album / Naviance sign up / make up presentations

Friday, January 12, 2018

Final preparation due today 1-12-18 (chk list)

Return the camera if you checked one outI

Please email the following links for MP3 (Also make sure there's a printed copy for your packet)

Subject AJS11-0__ Your name MP3 assignments 
Share and print the following by its
due dates

Attendance (participation) days of Absence ___ 
Do now with 6 sample photos and 
flickr scavenger hunt Link = 

  12/8/17 PPT#6: History of Photography (with Quiz)
Link = 

12/15/17 Project # 5 : Mimicking the masters (with Presentation)
Link = 

  12/7/17 Photostory# 3 Flickr album (# 61-70) title:
Link = 

12/14/17 Photostory# 4 Flickr album (# 71-80) title:
Link = 

12/21/17 Photostory# 5 Flickr album (# 81-90) title:
Link = 

*  1/4/18  Photostory# 6 Flickr album (# 91-100) title:
Link = 

     1/5/18 Mimicked Photos (# 101 -103)
Link = 

*** each photo labeled with description is worth 1% on the report card ***
* Snow day- printed copy due upon return with absence note*

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Last week of Presentations... Finals next week

This is the last chance to present your project for 10% of your report card grade... make sure you get to present on your assigned date.

Bring back all borrowed DSLR cameras to clear your acct.

FINAL is due 1-16-18
Flickr album with 7 albums...
    MP1 # 1-30
    MP2 # 31-60
    MP3 # 61-103 (PS# 3,4,5,6 and mimicked photos)

No late work! that means by the end of the period.

Presenter's name ______________________     Evaluation by _______________

master photographer# 1=                                                              genre=_________________
original critique: lighting = _______ element of art = ___________ composition =___________
Mimicked photo = A B C D Why?

master photographer# 2=                                                              genre=_________________
original critique: lighting = _______ element of art = ___________ composition =___________
Mimicked photo = __letter grade____ why?

master photographer#3=                                                               genre=_________________
original critique: lighting = _______ element of art = ___________ composition =___________
Mimicked photo =  _____ why? 

Presentation grade = _____ % because _________________________
which one was your favorite? 
what did you like about it? Be specific!

Friday, January 5, 2018

day 6 Presentation

If you stayed home for another "SNOW Day" check pupil path for the links... send both evaluation and Photostory# 6 by tonight.

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Frozen bubble extra credit + FINAL flickr albums

 FINAL flickr albums : MP1, MP2, PS# 3, PS# 4, PS# 5, PS#6, Mimicking photos Due 1/16/18

there is a "bomb cyclone" coming.... so if you can manage to create a frozen bubble... take a picture and/or video. submit for extra credit.

add sugar syrup to the soap solution so the bubble doesn't pop right away

Tuesday, January 2, 2018