Friday, September 27, 2019

Weekend photo-assignment... Photostory # 1

Photography is ART, so tell me a story through your photographs...

Do now: Quick writes, email me and your partner to your left this time, a story about FOOD. (5 min)

          Afterward, pls response to your partner's story with a reply all with Miss Wang's email to get this credit.

Subject: AJS11-0_ Your name Food story draft

Class work: Finish adding description to your 12 additional pictures in your google photo album. and print out your LATE PPT# 2. summit your exit slip with reflection of how to improve meeting deadline next time, in addition to the Manual camera operation reflection.

Extra credit for Table leaders: Pick and choose the slides for either powerpoint 1 or 2 element or design team.

we will be presenting next week. (Just have other table members send you their power point so you can consolidate and condense into 1 group presentation).

HW: Take the 10 photos for your Food Story and upload them to google photo album, don't forget to label them #16 to 25.
use what you've learned from Photography is ART ---- element of principles of ART
lunch choices around MCSM... 
 which design principle best describe this photo?
write the story first.... before taking photos.
 (favorites food, documentary food diary, food shopping, hanging out with food, etc.)

Are you interested in Architecture, Construction or Engineering?

Thursday, September 26, 2019

print PPT# 2 as EXIT slip

after you updated your google photo album from # 4-15 with labels (see original post for title).
add explanation of your photo pointing out which part of your photo is showing the definition.

 Google slides we will be printing it out in the HANDOUT style... goto FILE--> select PREVIEW ---> choose 9 slides per page on the top left corner and print with "double sided" selected on your printer.

EXIT SLIP: your experience shooting with Manual mode & manual focus.

if you didn't get to print out your work. pls send an email before 10 PM in the 9 slides handout form to be on time with this assignment.

Monday, September 23, 2019

wk#4: PPT# 2 Photography is Art due Wed & Presentation

we started last Friday with the foundation of your ART work - photographs with art element and design principles.

This week we are going graphics and look for examples on then taking your own around school & neighborhood.

some good tech skills to know.
Ctrl + C = copy
Ctrl + V = paste
Print Screen button (top right of keyboard)

Always cite your sources... copy links under your sample photos (caption them).

Taking pictures: 4 of them using DSLR with Manual settings (practice for test). Rest of them can be taken with your phone camera. Upload your samples to your google photo album


MCTV geometry dance

Friday, September 20, 2019

end of wk # 3: Start of PPT# 2: Photography is art

Do now:  first 10 min
start PPT# 2- Photography is art cover page and 
AIM: answer what is art? what is photography? how is photography art?
(share Google slide everyday)

slide # 1 PPT# 2- Photography is art cover slide Due 9/25/19 and share
slide #2: answer what is art? what is photography? how is photography art?

slide # 3 define element of art and principles of design

Define in your own word the following terms (one definition per slide)
*********Element of Art *********
#4: Lines - Element of Art
#5: shapes / form - Element of Art
#6: space - Element of Art
#7: value - Element of Art
#8: Texture - Element of Art
#9: color - Element of Art

******* Principles of Design ***********
#10: Emphasis - Principles of Design
#11: Visual Balance - Principles of Design
#12: unity - Principles of Design
#13: contrast - Principles of Design
#14: Movement/Rhythm - Principles of Design
#15: Pattern/Repetition - Principles of Design

Next week find example pictures and take one of your own picture scavenger hunt.... find a picture that most closely match to your own definition of art.
               Please add URL as citation to where you find the sample photos.
Caption all 12 - pictures... that accompany each art terms.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

PPT #1 due with printout as EXIT slip

on Thursday - 9-19-2019
after you finish your research about the different types of cameras on Google slides we will be printing it out in the HANDOUT style... goto FILE--> select PREVIEW ---> choose 9 slides per page on the top left corner and print with "double sided" selected on your printer.

when you get your printout, write down what technology skills you have used/ learned doing this PPT#1.  Submit as EXIT ticket!

Quiz 1 correction ( if you scored below 70): Video review

Learn how to use a Digital Single Reflex Lens camera... google doc shared.

climate strike 2019

Friday define these terms

Monday, September 16, 2019

week# 3: PPT# 1 and DSLR picture comparison then start on PPT# 2

Do Now:

Label all 3 photos in your google photo...& turn in your camera contract


PPT# 1 - Compact vs DSLR

Start on Powerpoint # 1 with the cover page on Google slide... share your file today to get credit.
Cover page will contain your name, class powerpoint title, due date, qr code (google photo album link) and a picture of your SD card.

PPT# 1:Different Types of Camera (Compact vs DSLR)
by (Your name) Computer # ___
Class AJS11-0___ (period) Table # ___
Due: Sept 19, 2019
Qr code & Google Photo album link
picture of your SD card.

************************** After you share it *********************
Aim: learning the different types of cameras (also add labeled DSLR drawing).


Powerpoint #1 - share via Google Slides
Compare and contrast Point and Shoot and DSLR cameras (add the hybrid - mirrorless too).
suggestion of slide order...
Monday 9/16/19
1.Cover slide with your Class code and QR code.
2. Define and show pictures of Compact vs. DSLR Cameras. (include prices on all camera models)
3. Your Phone's Camera - Specs and Features (sensor/megapixels, etc) state your sources... 
4. Compact camera of your choice (substitute for your phone camera) buying from Best Buy...
cite your sources, it's research!
Tuesday 9/17/19- compare prices, megapixels, sensor, shutter speed, size + weight
5. DSLR Canon T-6 (add your diagram too)
6. Canon 5D MARK IV ( most expensive)  2018
7. Sony Alpha 390 (substitute)
8. Mirrorless Camera Sony Alpha 3000 &
Your choice camera is___ (choose from your research of slide 5-8) why? 
******************************************************Bring something to photograph for tomorrow********
Wednesday 9/18/19
9.  how to use and  take care of DSLR cameras 
10. new type cameras in 2019... goPros, 360 degrees, drone (aerial view)
11. (upload your newly taken photo - screen shot your EXIF to be placed next to your photos)
compare the picture taken by your phone and the Canon T-6... put the pictures side by side and write out your observation.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

week# 2: learning about DSLR (Canon T6) + Quiz

Do now: Print out Press pass

Class work: 9-11-19
Draw and label page 26 today in class.

or you can trace your press pass & label the parts.
Thursday: 9-12-19

Homework: finish back and under side (page 27 due Thursday)

Do now: Basic operation of the camera. pg 6 (9+1) step
Class work: take a picture of your drawing with your SD card and upload to google photo # 3

send email link with subject line AJS11-0__ Your name DSLR diagram
going over and review for Quiz tomorrow...
Quiz Friday - be able to describe the set up of the camera and take a picture with the DSLR.
review pg 36 to 47 in the instruction manual.

Monday, September 9, 2019

wk# 1: Sd card check: Making a Press Pass...

Day 3: make the back side of the pass (9-9-19)

 check on your progress in your sent mail... did you email 2 links and a Qr code?
Recap: creating Google Photo album (portfolio)
log in to gmail and access google Photo 
to create an album title AJS11-0_ your name MP1 then make QR code

Do now:log in to your gmail and open Google Photo add your #2 best photo to the photo album and share with Miss Wang  (
submit homework: SD card check provide proof by taking a picture of your sd card next to your contract and reply to the email.

Google Photo **** Day 1 of 2 ******************************* and Press Pass

We will be making your class pass for your assignments today using Microsoft Publisher.

On the internet find the Front view of Canon T-6 DSLR (make sure the image quality is LARGE.

save it on the computer picture folder
download your selfie to the picture folder as well.

Open Publisher (lower left window icon) 

 choose NEW blank page

insert both the front of the camera image and your selfie.

then we will resize and format-> crop to shape (oval) to finish the first part of today's work.

save file as your name pass for AJS11-0_  upload file to google drive (Share to submit)
*************************   2 pictures layers       **********

************Layering pictured, shape and text **********************
Do now: Turn to your right neighbor and leave a comment on their best photo

Day 4 the back side of the pass (9-10-19)

Recap: creating Google Photo album (portfolio)
log in to gmail and access google Photo 
to create an album title AJS11-0_ your name MP1 then make QR code
Class work: Finish press pass today.... then print out by Wednesday 9-11-19 (due)
***class work********************************************************************************
look for Canon Rebel T-6 online  (back side)

download your selfie from google photo or from your email. (save in folder)

and Qr code for the back of the pass

Open Publisher

Insert picture of the  back of the camera and add a color WHITE box (insert shape-filled with white color) over the screen of the camera...

use "insert Text box" to add the following text

your name
osis #


valid only during ___ period for digital Photography with Miss Wang Room 360
Fall Semester 2019

update your .PUB file in google drive too. then save as YOUR name Press pass.pdf

NEW EMAIL do not reply to the first one.
submit your .PDF file Subject line:  AJS11-0_ Your name press pass

Print .PDF  file

Friday, September 6, 2019

Google Photo album link & labeling + QR code

yesterday we upload your selfie and emailed your link to Miss Wang.

Do now: label your selfie with the following label... click on ' i '
please add
label: #1. Selfie
description: taken with ______________ (camera) & anything else you like for the caption.


today we will create and album for your art portfolio titled AJS11-0__ Your name MP1

tap on the share button (create a link) to get album link. reply to your email.

Create QR code and send reply with attachment.

Step 1: goto

Step 2: paste your ALBUM link

Step 3: download your QR code ( do not sign up, just X out)

Step 4: Make a copy (save as) "Your name QR"

Step 5: reply to the album link with attachment

HW: Upload # 2: Best photo so far (not selfie)... add description of why it is your best so far...

Weekend reminder: pls don't forget about the SD card if ordering online pls do it this weekend and send me a copy of your invoice, so its not late.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

1 semester = 1 art credit from Digital Photography

Fall Term 2019 (Sept 5 to Jan 17)

Go over computer contract 
HW: signed by parents tomorrow
                                       and get SD card (2 Gb or more) over weekend.

Sign up for Google photo and upload selfie
share and create link then send link to Miss E. Wang
email to:
Subject: AJS11-0__ (your class period) Full Name - google photo selfie link
please upload selfie to Photo stream by tonight

please add
label: #1. Selfie
description: taken with ______________ (camera) & anything else you like for the caption.
Digital Photography
Material needed are: Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera & SD card by 9/9/19

you can also buy used ones at GameStop
if ordering online send a copy of your order dated before 9/9/19