Wednesday, September 11, 2019

week# 2: learning about DSLR (Canon T6) + Quiz

Do now: Print out Press pass

Class work: 9-11-19
Draw and label page 26 today in class.

or you can trace your press pass & label the parts.
Thursday: 9-12-19

Homework: finish back and under side (page 27 due Thursday)

Do now: Basic operation of the camera. pg 6 (9+1) step
Class work: take a picture of your drawing with your SD card and upload to google photo # 3

send email link with subject line AJS11-0__ Your name DSLR diagram
going over and review for Quiz tomorrow...
Quiz Friday - be able to describe the set up of the camera and take a picture with the DSLR.
review pg 36 to 47 in the instruction manual.

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