Friday, September 27, 2019

Weekend photo-assignment... Photostory # 1

Photography is ART, so tell me a story through your photographs...

Do now: Quick writes, email me and your partner to your left this time, a story about FOOD. (5 min)

          Afterward, pls response to your partner's story with a reply all with Miss Wang's email to get this credit.

Subject: AJS11-0_ Your name Food story draft

Class work: Finish adding description to your 12 additional pictures in your google photo album. and print out your LATE PPT# 2. summit your exit slip with reflection of how to improve meeting deadline next time, in addition to the Manual camera operation reflection.

Extra credit for Table leaders: Pick and choose the slides for either powerpoint 1 or 2 element or design team.

we will be presenting next week. (Just have other table members send you their power point so you can consolidate and condense into 1 group presentation).

HW: Take the 10 photos for your Food Story and upload them to google photo album, don't forget to label them #16 to 25.
use what you've learned from Photography is ART ---- element of principles of ART
lunch choices around MCSM... 
 which design principle best describe this photo?
write the story first.... before taking photos.
 (favorites food, documentary food diary, food shopping, hanging out with food, etc.)

Are you interested in Architecture, Construction or Engineering?

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