Thursday, March 26, 2020

RL Day 5: 3/27/2020 TGIF

3/27/2020  attendance form.

TGIF: origami day. you can also youtube it.

                           you will need a SQUARE paper for making origami.
                            make the crane and take 2 pictures.
 for picture
# 47 -2 exposure & # 48- auto exposure.
use Focos' exposure button (the button that looks like a sun) to adjust.

additional reads and ideas for the weekend

Work on the Test questions for yesterday's photos.
Project #2 write up: 3/27/2020

AJS11-0__ Your name Project/Test # 2: Bokeh Portraits (SHARE google doc)
add QR code
Album link
add the  2 photos with EXIF

EXIF = ISO, F-stop, Shutter speed and focal length
Q & A
1.Explain how this Bokeh effect Portrait is an art work. What is the message here?
2.Does it contain an element of art? What about its Design principle? (refer to PPT #2)

3.How did you set up the lighting for this photo-shoot?
4.What kind of lighting did you use? (refer to PPT # 3)

5.How did you come up with the right setting for this picture? (Focos)
6. If i we used a DSLR, What was the type of lens used for this project?  
                                      which focal length was best the Bokeh effect?

7.What did you find / learn from this art Project? 
8.What was your experience like working with a live subject?

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