Monday, March 30, 2020

Week # 4: PPT# 5: Light and Exposure (10 slides)

attendance form

Do Now: Make cover slide for PPT# 5 (share)
AJS11-0__ Your name PPT# 5
due 4/3/2020

 read and summarize ch 3 ( click on the link to read)
summarize 2 pages of reading in each slide.

                                                                             copy the textbook image on cover slide

Monday: Read 51 & summarize on Powerpoint. (Google slide shared)

            Review the Exposure triangle
today's breakdown:           
slide 1:PPT# 5: Light & Exposure (cover slide with textbook)
slide 2: diagram of the exposure triangle and introduction (pg51)
              with Focos take 5 photos of the same object with -2, -1, 0,+1, +2 exposure 

prepare for tomorrow: read & summarize 
slide 3: Sensor and Pixel, pixel and resolution(pg 52-53)
Slide 4: color photography, white balance(pg 54-55)

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