Tuesday, September 10, 2024

finish Press pass & Sd card check

 Reminder: did you get your SD card yet? get SD card (2GB minimum) deal from Amazon, Best Buy or Target

Do now: Now that your album is updated (labeled)- let's check out each other's photo albums.  you should have at least 2 comments from your classmates. (turn to the left and right side to scan the QR code) and comment on photo# 2 - Best Photo so far... get to know your classmates - you will be working in groups later.

Classwork: day 2 of Press pass link to steps https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1yG6m25-urBq-DgQ-LipVN_TdtNweA6ur-apPF0sCrzw/edit?usp=classroom_web&authuser=0

Yesterday we learned about layering the photos and reshaping with cropping tools.

Today we are going to add text and rotate the work before submitting to google classroom. Pls print out by Friday.

hw: bring a pencil for drawing tomorrow... we will be studying the parts of the camera that we will be using.

********************** if you finish early ****** check out http://www.500px.com ********************


draw the DSLR diagram first... 
pg 26 (Wednesday) & 27 (Thursday). Label after sketch.

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