Monday, September 16, 2024

PPT#1: Different types of cameras & How the camera works...

If you missed the Quiz - bring your absence note to make it up.

do now:  goto your work on the top right corner of google classroom and attach your Diagram link.

               and submit your printout of the Press Pass!

Classwork:  Sample template

 PPT # 1 - Compare and contrast: compact (Point and Shoot) and DSLR cameras 

Create a google slide and attach to your work for submission by this Thursday.

Monday 9/16/24

1.*Cover slide with your Class code with album link, QR code & SD card.
2.  compare & contrast - Compact  (point and shoot) camera vs. DSLR
3.  Your phone and a camera substitute.

Tuesday 9/17/24 - google class video link 
slide 4. how the camera works - video review
slide 5: Canon T-6 DSLR features and diagram.
slide 6:  how to handle and care for DSLR (add picture on how to hold the DSLR)

Wednesday 9/18/24
slide 7:  other types of cameras- look up Go-Pros, 3D (360) camera and drones.
slide 8 :  comparing photos taken with your phone vs. school camera T-6
slide 9:  conclusion - your take away from PPT # 1

Thursday 9/19/24 combine your table's slides for presentation.

HW: find something small you can bring to school for your photoshoot.

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