Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Fall 2024 semester - Digital Photography

 Welcome back to Digital Photography

New Term Fall 24- Welcome to digital photography with Miss E. Wang 

1 semester = 1 art credit from Digital Photography

Fall Term 2023 (Sept 5 to Oct 18)

Go over computer contract 
HW: signed by parents tomorrow
                                       and get SD card (2 Gb or more) over weekend.

Sign up for Google photo ( download google photo app)
upload selfie and send link to Miss E. Wang
email to:
Subject: AJS11-0__ (your class period) Full Name - google photo selfie with introduction.
1.  one word to describe you.
2.  when and what art class did you take last?
3.  how many elective classes have you taken? 
4. what phone (camera) do you have? what computer do you have at home?
5. what is photography to you?
- - - attach selfie - - -
please upload selfie to Google Photo stream by tonight

please add
label: #1. Selfie
description: taken with ______________ (camera) & anything else you like for the caption.
Digital Photography
Material needed are: Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera (school)  & SD card (student) by 9/9/24


sign up to your google classrooms

AJS11-01 rm6ntbx                                       Art Dept grading

AJS11-02 jcdtrbf                                        50% Assessements / Presentation

AJS11-04 p73fbzt                                       30% Classwork

AJS11-06 nb4gmry                                     20% Homework

AJS11-08 xldfbpu

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