Friday, October 1, 2021

PPT# 2 : photography is Art (personal ones are due) Table compilation

Dear students please help the substitute teacher take attendance by signing the attendance sheet found on the wall next to the white board.  for email me at with your choices. subject line: AJS11-0__ Your Name My presentation slides  for attendance. 

 Do now: Pls add a picture of your SD Card to the cover slide before submitting your work. Due at the end of the your class period. (If you aren’t able to insert the DSLR photos for the last slide- substitute with cellphone camera photos to meet deadline, replace by Monday as corrections.)

Classwork: goto google classroom for the templates.

everyone will contribute at least 1 element of art & 1 design principle definition and picture for presentation.

pls write your name on the slide you are going to add to.

if your table has less than 6 people then you will need to add more to complete the compilation.


Group leader/manager will be able to earn extra credit


Be Creative, its ART class!

HW: update album to picture # 16 by this weekend with correct numbering, title and descriptions.

Update your Google Photo album   due 10-15-21
sample album: updated by Loren

#1: Selfie: What camera did you use to take it?

#2: Best Photo so far
      what makes it a good photo? with 2 comments
#3: Diagram of the DSLR camera. 
      Canon Rebel T-6
#4a & 4b: Cell phone camera vs DSLR
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Powerpoint # 2 (just copy and paste for the title) then add description/explanation.

#5: Lines - Element of Art
#6: shapes / form - Element of Art
#7: space - Element of Art
#8: value - Element of Art
#9: Texture - Element of Art
#10: color - Element of Art

#11: Emphasis - Principles of Design
#12: Visual Balance - Principles of Design
#13: unity - Principles of Design
#14: contrast - Principles of Design
#15: Movement/Rhythm - Principles of Design
#16: Pattern/Repetition - Principles of Design

# 17 to # 26 Cityscape pictures taken with element of art and composition. 

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