Friday, October 29, 2021

finish up PPT# 4:

 Do now: copy & paste from your email of Photostory# 2 draft to your PS#2 slide on google classroom

email me the 5w's _ who, what, when, where & why of your written story.


class work answer 3 questions in the slides of PPT# 4 to finish this note for camera lens

slide 7 = AF/MF switch in the camera lens - how to focus under different switches?

slide 8=  what are the other type of lenses? - zoom, macro & fisheye 

slide 9 = Lens attachments - what can you attach to the lens? (lens hood & filters)

slide 10 = worksheet with your answers from last week's do now....

extra credit: perspective lens & photos

submit today....

************************** Food story! for the weekend **

Happy Halloween - what are your favorite candies? photoshoot


HW: finish up Photostory # 2: Food diary using the art elements & principles as your rubric when taking your photos for MP2 album photo# 31-40

check out Matthew Klein's professional photos for ideas... or

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