Thursday, October 7, 2021

what are the 4 types of light for photography?

Dear students please help the substitute teacher take attendance by signing the attendance. sorry I ran out of the form, so just do it on a blank paper and give it to the sub,

then watch the video on your own. and answer the question on google form for today's attendance. first 5 min. only

then use the rest of the period work on Ps#1:CITYscape that's due tomorrow.

update your album to picture #26 (best 10 photos out of 12 taken with each art elements & principle designs - label them).

Update your Google Photo album   due 10-15-21
sample album: updated by Loren

#1: Selfie: What camera did you use to take it?

#2: Best Photo so far
      what makes it a good photo? with 2 comments
#3: Diagram of the DSLR camera. 
      Canon Rebel T-6
#4a & 4b: Cell phone camera vs DSLR
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Powerpoint # 2 (just copy and paste for the title) then add description/explanation.

#5: Lines - Element of Art
#6: shapes / form - Element of Art
#7: space - Element of Art
#8: value - Element of Art
#9: Texture - Element of Art
#10: color - Element of Art

#11: Emphasis - Principles of Design
#12: Visual Balance - Principles of Design
#13: unity - Principles of Design
#14: contrast - Principles of Design
#15: Movement/Rhythm - Principles of Design
#16: Pattern/Repetition - Principles of Design
# 17 to # 26 Cityscape pictures taken with (building blocks) element of art and design principles (compositions).

#27 - Hard light
#28 - Soft light
#29 - Transmitted light
#30 - Reflected light

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