Friday, October 22, 2021

Last Day of MP1: all work and make up due & start MP2

Do now Day 4: reference exposure guide

 4) You’re taking a picture of your significant other in a crowded place in the afternoon at 5:30PM near Times Square. You only want your subject to be in focus and everything else to be blurry.    

            ISO=            Shutter Speed=                    Aperture=       Lens (Focal length)=
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Classwork: LAST day of MP1

Print out your test part 2
then exchange with another classmate to grade the test. submit as EXIT slip. 

if done early you may start on the weekend assignment of Photostory # 2
write your draft on the topic of FOOD as your next photostory... for Picture # 30 -40
Photostory # 2: Foodie's diary (write a draft for your food story).
using the art elements and design principles as your rubric. email to
AJS11-0__ Your name Photo story # 2 draft

you'll need to create MP2 album and make a new Qr code for MP2 over the weekend **********

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