Friday, March 4, 2022

6 essential components to photography

 Do now: Did you watch the video last night on why shooting in Manual mode is better? 

               define or give examples of the 6 essential components to photography in slide 3 of PPT# 3 add graphics to help with your explanation.

Classwork: finish the samples with links. also copy one of your sample photo's EXIF data.

                    EXIF data can be found when you scroll down to the description of the photo. See what settings were used to " MAKE" the photo. example  50mm   ƒ/5.6   1/640s   ISO 100  

                                  can you set up the DSLR with these settings? see slide 8 

HW: print out your PS#1:food story due Monday.


        Photo Album - numbering labeling & descriptions ( see 2/28 post for listing )

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