Thursday, March 31, 2022

catch up with your ch 3 summary due 4/4/22 & cityscape due

 Do now: make slide 12 for ISO bracketing from the 7 photos you took in each ISO setting. adding labels of each ISO and other settings F/stop. shutter speed and focal length. add your observation: as the ISO increases....

to get the JPEG of slide 12 goto FILE --> DOWNLOAD -->> JPEG image (Current slide) 

upload to MP2 album and share.


Classwork: read up ch 3 and summarize to slide 7 today. (histogram and exposure meters)

read and summarize ch 3 ( click on the link to read)
summarize 2 pages of reading in each slide.

Reminder: Check to see you have updated your album to include your FINAL portraits with proper labeling. We are grading your print out on Project 2 by Friday. Some of you need to retake the portraits... Photo # 45 a b c & # 46 # a b c  (portrait mode). Model a 6 feet away from background! we are dealing with Depth of field (Dof)!


HW: Finish your cityscape tonight and submit.

*****************************************Extra credit... MCSM HS Photostory *****

Calling for student video on 

What makes MCSM a great school?

What makes MCSM student better than other students?

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