Monday, March 7, 2022

PPT# 3 due with DSLR photos for Photography lighting

 Do now: Did you print out your PS# 1: Food story? submit your print out now.

Classwork: Did you take your DSLR photos for the different lights in school? (slide 8 for instruction).

                   How do you shoot in MANUAL mode? 

                   Turn mode dial to " M "

                   Press " Q " to access Quick menu

                   Choose the desired setting by toggling the MAIN dial.

                   The lens may also be in MF and adjust focus by turning the focus ring.

Pls add to your slides to complete PPT# 3 today. Update these photos to your photo album as # 26-# 29

# 26 = Hard light   # 27= Soft light    # 28 = Transmitted light     # 29 Reflected light

Hw: update album with proper label 

        Peer evaluation on the Photostory tomorrow (exchange print out)

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