Wednesday, March 16, 2022

PPT# 4 Camera Lens continued - taking practice photos

Pls submit your Test part 2 printout.

Do now: Day 7 reference exposure guide also attendance

7) You’re in your corner office on the 10th floor and you are taking a picture of your friend that works on the 10th floor in a neighboring building during broad daylight at 12:00PM.

           ISO=         Shutter Speed =         Aperture=     Lens (Focal length)=  

    *******reply to the email from 3/8/22******************************

Did you watch the video on aperture? update slide 4  

Classwork: using AV mode

Taking pictures with DSLR - both focal length (slide 3) & Aperture (slide 4)

HW: update Mp2 album with Aperture photos.

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