Friday, May 29, 2020


5/29/2020 attendance form -

check yourself... answer to 5/28's Photo
most of you did good yesterday with the sisters.
1. What is the subject? (the couple) which art element does it convey? (shape/form- humans)
2. How is it lit? (although it was outsidethey were under the tree's shadow) what type of light do you see? (due to even spread of light throughout- it was soft light).
3. Where is the subject placed in the picture? (the couple was laying down embracing each other, surrounded by the tree roots). what composition do you see? framing
4. How would you set the camera up for a similar shot? (Iso 400 - low because we want details, not pixalated, aperture and background are the same focus- f/32 with small opening, to get everything in focus; slow shutter speed, shorter time at 1/100 sec because it will allow more lights in due to small aperture (opening); and lastly, focal length was zoomed out at 20mm).
5. What is the message you get from looking at the picture? (wedding couple embraced, and framed in with the tree roots - LOVE).

Today try this one....
Critique picture #4 

continue with your Composition ABC this weekend... should be done by Wed. next week! google photo album #81-106

 make sure you take picture using the composition tips. do not use more than 3 times per composition.

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