Tuesday, May 5, 2020

5/5/2020 MP3 Qr code

5/5/2020 attendance form -https://forms.gle/p5sW1h5r7boqWdp46
Do now: 
make a new album for MP3
album link??
QR code? https://www.the-qrcode-generator.com/

Classwork: search out the sample from 500 px.com. add that to your google doc from yesterday.

homework: upload picture # 61-Rule of thirds62- balancing elements, & 63- leading lines after the 500px.com sample photos.

additional video if you still didn't understand from the article.

*some of you stated that the link from yesterday was not working so I have provided the alternative link https://michellesdigigraphics.wordpress.com/2011/10/24/10-top-photography-composition-rules/

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