Friday, May 8, 2020

5/8/2020 Mother's Day weekend

5/8/2020 attendance form -

Photostory# 3: Mother's Day 
(send me your story in an email AJS11-0__ your name PS#3: mother's day draftdue today.

Mother's day story line? what idea(s) appreciate, celebrate, acknowledge the person that gave you life.
take 10 pictures you will be taking for your Mother's day story.

Make a new slide titled "MP3 photostories with top 10 compositions"
slide 1: Photostory# 3: Mother's Day 

new rubrics for Photostories in MP3...
use the top 10 compositions we learned this week to take your photos for Photostory# 3- Mother's day (Photo # 71-80)... upload by Wednesday 5-13-2020
71.Rule of Thirds    72. Balancing Elements     73.Leading Lines     
74.Symmetry and Patterns 75.Viewpoint   76. Background    77.Depth 
78. Framing     79.Cropping   80.Experimentation

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