Thursday, September 23, 2021

Google classroom codes- sign up to submit PPT# 1

 Do now: Google classroom code-     

HW reminder: did you upload your drawing with SD card to your google photo album as picture # 3 DSLR diagram - Canon T6

Dear Photography students please add yourself to the google classroom accordingly - Miss E. Wang

Period 1 - AJS11-01 -

Period 2 - AJS11-02 -

Period 4 - AJS11-04 -

Period 5 - AJS11-05 -

Period 8 - AJS11-08 -

Once you sign up - you can submit your ppt# 1 there on Friday 9/24/21

Thursday 9/23/21


slide 7: how to handle and care for DSLR (add picture on how to hold the DSLR)

slide 8 : other types of cameras- look up Go-Pros, 3D (360°) camera and drones.

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