Monday, September 13, 2021

Welcome back in school in person...

 pls observe all COVID-19 precaution - get vaccinated and wear mask for SY 2021-2022

******* Welcome to Photography class for 1 art credit... ********

Fall Term 2021 (Sept 13 to Jan 21)

Go over computer lab contract 
HW: signed by parents tomorrow
                                       and get SD card (2 Gb or more) over weekend.

Sign up for Google photo and upload selfie
share and create link then send link to Miss E. Wang
email to:
Subject: AJS11-0__ (your class period) Full Name - google photo selfie link
please upload selfie to Photo stream by tonight

please add
label: #1. Selfie
description: taken with ______________ (camera) & anything else you like for the caption.
Digital Photography
Material needed are: Digital Single Lens Reflex Camera (class set) SD card by 9/17/21


If you want to get ahead

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